I bet that you put links on your website. It is a natural thing to do when you want o share information on other sites.
But when you do that, so you encourage people to leave your site and maybe not even come back? Or, do you share the info, and automatically allow them to stay and continue with the content on your site?
For example, if I say:
A great site you should visit is All About Gratitude – it is an uplifting website that looks positivity on a daily basis.
You probably know that when you want to insert a link, you select the text (in this case, All About Gratitude above) and then click on the ‘Insert / edit link’ button:聽
You can see 2 things – first that I added the address, http://allaboutgratitude.com/ as the address and just as important I have clicked on the chec kbox”Open link in a new window/tab”
That is a critical check box to click! By doing so, it opens either a new window or a new tab with the destination URL (website). By doing that, YOUR website remains open on the current page. This permits your visitors to come back to your site when they close the window of the other website.
In contrast, if you DO NOT check this box, your visitor is immediate swept away off your website to the destination site. If they want to come back, they need to remember to come back. And with all the internet ADD people have, that might not happen easily.
Great tip, Paul. I noticed that little box yesterday and realized I haven’t been checking it. 馃檪
Ame – It is such a little box with such a big impact! 馃檪
A great reminder. Your workshop was fabulous. I ‘m listening again to the classes and getting my website in great shape thanks to you.