The last month of posts seems to have really hit home for many people! And that makes me feel good!
But today’s post is a request from you all! If you will, please let me know what your biggest struggle with WordPress is. What is causing you grief? What drives you nuts? What do you need fixed?
Help Me, Help you!
Leave a comment with your biggest issue and I will address it in a post!
Party On, Wayne!
Party On, Garth!
(for the record, this post has 2 movie references!)
You had me at, “I’ll do it for free.”
Party ON!!!
Ame – That model only lasts so long… 😉
Jerry Maguire and Wayne’s World?
The biggest issue making blogging a priority. While I try and set aside time to blog, other “more important” issues always seem to pop up!
Make it a priority to spend 3 minutes and sign up for a gravatar over at Once you do that, determine the frequency in which you want to post – is it 7 times a week? 6 Times? 5 Times? You get the picture!
Last thing (maybe this should be the first thing) – determine what your goal(s) is/are for blogging. Ask yourself why you want to blog. That may tell you why you let other things become a priority!
I don’t think Paul can help you with that! 🙂
I changed my mind: My MOST frustrating issue at this particular second is that I have no idea how to track visitors. I was able to see that on my old blog site, but here – I don’t even know if I have a widget for that!
Ame – Come back later – I will post about tracking next!
I realize this a real noobie question, but I just went through the procedure of backing up my live site and restoring it to a localhost/wampserver/WindowsXP site. (YAY!) The front page looked fine, with one exception which I’ll get to in a moment, except that the “continue reading” links did not work until I changed the permalink setting from “friendly URLs” back to the default. Why is that, and will that happen if I ever, heavenforbid, had to actually restore a broken live site?
The other thing that is still broken is a tiny bit of javascript, which really does nothing but call the real javascript that’s on an external website. Why would that be broken?
Thanks so much!