I want to share with you 2 free online tools that you can use. I have previously written about various methods to speed up your site (WordPress Load Times) – here are a couple more free tools that will speed up your website. Regardless of how fast your site is, everyone always wants a site to be faster! By the way, Google likes sites that load quickly! The faster the better!
(This first part is a little technical) A lot of WordPress themes (and even WordPress itself) relies on the use of JavaScript. In some cases, the loading of this technical code can really slow down a site. You should do what ever you can to decrease the load time of your JavaScript. How can you do this? Would you believe that Google actually provides a free tool to do this for you? Yup! It is true – Closure Compiler is a free online tool that will compress your JavaScript code! Check it out at http://closure-compiler.appspot.com/home
(This one is not so technical 馃檪 )Another much less technical way for you decrease the amount of time to load is to make the images on your site smaller. I have mentioned a few tools in the past (Online Image Optimizer) but I found out about another tool created by Yahoo! This image compressing tool is http://www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/
Thank you for sharing Paul. I have a question – why do I want to make the image smaller? I mean aside from having less to load.
By smaller, Julia, I mean the file size. If you want to have a large dimensioned image on your site (think 4 inches by 4 inches), you can. However, under most conditions a larger image size will have a larger file size. And to answer your question (if you are not yet completely confused), you want smaller file sizes becuase they load faster!
Thanks for this great quick tip Paul! I’ll be giving both of these a try!
Lynn – Great job taking action!