When you feel like you don’t have the eagerness to write an article for yourself, take at look at some options for acquiring great content.
Pay copywriters to make articles for you
A lot of professionals make use of this method, but it can be costly. A copywriter is a person professionally trained to efficiently write and research about any kind of topics. When you decide to hire a copywriter for yourself, ask the copywriter for a few writing samples that are inclined to your industry, trade or skill. Also, make sure that the copywriter you choose is proficient in writing for the web. Keywords, H1 headlines and web-friendly article formats do take some specialized knowledge and experience to master.
Buy the articles as “PLR content”
PLR stands for Private Label Rights content. It’s the term given to articles written for low wage, which is then sold to various parties. People are concerned with the quality that the PLR presents to the table, whereas you take the quality of an article written by a skilled writing professional. But the truth is that you really should edit your PLR rather than publishing it word for word on your site. This is for 2 reasons: 1, you don’t want to be a duplicate of someone else, and 2, you should be branding your own business and infusing your own ideas into the article. Above all, be yourself, that’s the factor that quality people would be captivated by.
For example, you can get this free information about Productivity to use on your website – Free Focus for Productivity PLR Offer – you can use this on your site as you want! Free content!t>
Conduct online interviews
The fastest way you could get a web page full of content is to set up an interview with someone who is in a complimentary field. So for example, if you have a website that sells paint supplies, you could interview the local one-stroke painting authority. It won’t take long at all to type up a series of compelling questions, and with an, luck you’ll have a perfect article in your email within a few days.
Focus on product reviews
Product reviews get a lot of web traffic since consumers are likely to gather information about a product before they make that purchase. The great news is that if your product review serves as the final sales conversion, then you can hopefully get some clicks on the affiliate links that you’ve included along with said product review. Of course, images play a vital role in this particular case.
Great suggestions Paul! Do you also recommend getting guest posts?
That can work.. or it can backfire! This is a great topic for a blog post… Stay tuned!
Great information! Thanks
Sure thing, Linda.
Hi, Paul. Lovely suggestions.
PLR or done-for-you content is a great way to invest in a pool of great writers with a small budget. There are quality providers and poor providers. Some of the writers I work with have English degrees and other higher education degrees.
I use MyBlogU as a source for interview requests. It’s a great way to crowdsource an article.
Freelance writers are another budget-friendly option if you’re a blogger (food, craft, lifestyle). Search “Content for Bloggers” on Facebook to find buy and sell groups. The one I’m in (and have used) is Elite VA buy/sell content.
Thanks – I will have to go check that out!
Why bother to blog if you don’t have either the time or the inclination?
Sunita – There are times when a business wants to include content on their site at regular intervals (i.e., blog once a week) and may be a bit busy. In a sense, they can outsource the writing to either a dedicated writer or someone that writes PLR.
I tried one of the above the interview kinda and trust me it’s really goes well. Started fitness interview and got quite good traffic which is very cool.
That is awesome!