As you may know, is a new site that is only a couple of months old! Even in a short time, the feedback has been wonderful! People are coming back to the site for more tips, tricks, and to learn more about WordPress.
I have received more than a couple of requests for having WordPress Classes – and I am thinking of creating these classes, holding them online (so you won’t have to travel), and helping a small group of people develop their sites (or even create their first one!)
With that said, I am wondering if you would be interested in this sort of class? I realize I am not providing a lot of details at this point, so it is tough for you to answer – I understand that. Right now, I am looking for the level of interest.
I can say this much:
1. It will probably be 4-6 weeks, one night a week for a couple of hours.
2. It will be online so you can participate from the comfort of your home.
3. There will be additional support via email.
4. The focus of the course would be on the technical aspects of developing a site using WordPress, one of the most favorable platforms available.
5. By the end of the course, I would guarantee that you have a developed site that is functional or, I will develop one for you.
6. The course would start off with the assumption that you know nothing, have nothing, and do not know where to start.
7. All classes would be recorded and available for playback later.
With that said, I am merely inquiring as to your “interest level” in this sort of class.
On a scale from 1 (no way, I am not interested in it at all!) to 10 (OH MY GOSH!!! Sign me up now!), where do you end up? Feel free to leave a comment or send an email via the Contact Page
Also, what else would you like to see in the course, that I have not mentioned?
Thank you for your feedback and have a fantastic weekend!
I am interested in hearing more information on this course. I have sent you a PM. Please let me know more information. Thnx.
DEFINITELY interested in learning more. Would it matter what theme we are using?
@Tina – Hmmm… Good Question! Probably not, but it will not be completely focused on Thesis. But then again…
I want to take the class.