When you publish a blog post, the permalink (URL) to that post is created. If you need to change the title, remember to leave聽 the permalink along! It is ok to leave the Title different than the permalink! By the way, if you are NOT reading this on the ‘I Need Help With WordPress dot com’ website, the owner of the site has taken this information without asking!
If you need to change the title of a post you already published, go to Posts > Edit Post and type in the new name for your post. Click the Update button and you are all set! The title of the blog post will be set.
Remember though… Do NOT change the permalink. – leave it alone! This is especially true if you you published the post a while ago. If Google has come by and indexed your page, you will get a bad link back to the old page! This will not make Google happy! Instead, leave the permalink as it is and only change the Title.
Thank you for that information Paul 馃檪