Passive income is a form of income that you can earn without having to work and work for it. Well, I should say, work Over and Over. Rather than continuously working in order to keep the income stream consistent, you can set up your passive income stream and sit back while the money rolls in. However, […]
WordPress Online Strategy
How To Create a YouTube Channel
Here is how you can create a YouTube Channel if you do onto have one. 1 Go to and click the “Sign In” button in the upper-right hand corner of the page. 2. If you already have a Google account, Great! That means you also have a YouTube account! Login to your account and don’t […]
Building Confidence in Business
Do you sometimes feel like you just don’t have the bold confidence necessary to succeed in business? Maybe you need a boost in your business confidence, or maybe you are just getting started and need some extra confidence to take that first step. Here are some tips for building confidence in business. Get Educated One […]
Why Epic Blog Posts Boost Your Blog Traffic
Neil Patel is the creator of QuickSprout, a business and marketing blog. That website earns him over $1 million per year, with 90% of that revenue coming from free traffic. The guy knows more than a little bit about boosting your blog traffic, and he discovered something about blog post links that you can immediately […]
Letting People Comment on Your Posts
During the Ultimate Blog Challenge, it was apparent that a couple of participants were not permitting others to comment on their website. This is something that you probably will want people to do as there are benefits to having people leave comments on your website. One of the benefits of having blog posts on your website […]