A great brand should meet many criteria: it should not only be memorable, but it should also be likable. It’s not enough for it to just be unique, it should also be easy to understand. And one of the most important things of all is for it to be consistent. What do I mean by […]
Successful Online Marketing
When you have a business, it is important to be able to control the narrative of your product. You will want the product to have a positive image in the minds of consumers. It is up to you and your company to come up with a message that will convey what you feel the product […]
What is an Online Marketing Funnel?
What is an Online Marketing Funnel? If you have ever used a funnel, you know what one looks like. The idea is that you can focus a large quantity of something down into a very narrow flow. That is why funnels are wide at the opening and extremely narrow, sometimes even pointed, at the bottom. […]
30 Rules For Being an Online Marketer
Over the weekend, I thought about what it takes to be successful online. I started to jot down some ideas – bullet points – of traits, actions, fundamentals, and characteristics of what I have observed that successful online marketers do.This list is by no means exhaustive – it’s really more the result of a brain […]
Using Your Blog to Make Money
Have you ever thought of using your blog to make money? The fact that blogs have become an extremely popular marketing and promotion method is no surprise. Not when you consider the advantages they offer over the standard website. For one thing, if you use an independent online blogging service like WordPress you don’t need […]