Here are another 5 more things your website needs to attract more clients, in continuation with the “5 More Things Your Website Needs to Attract More Clients” mini-series. Video And Welcome Audio The primary means of communication online have been video and audio. YouTube, Vimeo, and other social video sites have greatly affected how we interact […]
Why Having a Consistent Message is Crucial for Your Online Brand
A great brand should meet many criteria: it should not only be memorable, but it should also be likable. It’s not enough for it to just be unique, it should also be easy to understand. And one of the most important things of all is for it to be consistent. What do I mean by […]
A Penguin, a Panda, a Pigeon and a Pirate Walk Into a Bar…
Google was once simple and the web was like the Wild West. Whoever drew fastest would ultimately emerge victorious. But there was an obvious problem with this. Because it meant that anyone could get to the top of Google, without there being any real necessity to create a high-quality website! You could write the lowest […]
Les Brown – “You Gotta Be Hungry”
As you move ahead with your business, sometimes you hit roadblocks. Sometimes you think there are no opportunities. Sometimes it feels like the world is against you. Les Brown addresses these issues by saying that you “Gotta Be Hungry!” Realize that most people get to hear ‘No’ a minimum of 7 times before they get […]
5 More Things Your Website Needs to Attract More Clients – Part 7
Here are another 5 more things your website needs to attract more clients, in continuation with the “5 More Things Your Website Needs to Attract More Clients” mini-series. Clear Brand As much as possible, you need to try to set up a catchy and fitting brand for your website. That way people can easily remember […]