SEO (search engine optimization) is a broad term that refers to any actions taken to make a site rank better on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo – i.e. to make the site show up higher in the search results when people search for a certain word or phrase. Within the broad term of […]
Letting People Comment on Your Posts
During the Ultimate Blog Challenge, it was apparent that a couple of participants were not permitting others to comment on their website. This is something that you probably will want people to do as there are benefits to having people leave comments on your website. One of the benefits of having blog posts on your website […]
How to Overcome Laziness and Procrastination to Achieve Your Goals
Today’s post is a little different than the typical info I write about, however, it is still very important if you are working on your own business. You see, there are a few things that I have been putting off for a while that need to get done, But, I just Before we can get […]
Website Maintenance: The Key to a Keeping Your Website Successful
Just like any operating system on your computer, websites are software that require maintenance for keeping your website working properly. Not performing regularly scheduled website maintenance is like not tuning up your car or skipping regular oil changes on your vehicle. You wouldn’t drive your car very long if you didn’t look after its maintenance, […]
Another start of the Ultimate Blog Challenge!
There are a few BIG things happening today… The start of a new quarter! The start of the Second half of the year! And, the start of another Ultimate Blog Challenge! Not only do I coordinate and run the challenge, each time it happens (which is once a quarter), I am a participant! Since July […]