Welcome to October! As we start the last quarter of the year, the last 90 days or so, I am once again embarking on the Ulitmate Blog Challenge! This month, I am committing to blogging 31 times (approximately 1 time a day, every day!). Although I am not a negative kind of person, I want to […]
What Are Backlinks in SEO? (And How to Get Them)
If you are trying to boost your website’s SEO, then you have no doubt heard of backlinks. Backlinks are a crucial component of successful SEO, which is why they are so valuable. But, the topic can be a bit difficult for someone who is new to SEO to understand, so in this article, we are […]
What Is Keyword Research (And How to Find Keywords for Your Blog)
Keywords are words or phrases that people use when they search for something on a search engine like Google. Websites will try and use these keywords on their site in the hopes that Google will display their website when a person searches for a particular keyword – resulting in more traffic to that website. The […]
How to Get On the First Page of Google Search Results
Every person who runs a website or blog wants to get their website or blog on the front page of Google. It results in more people visiting the website, which can result in more sales or more money made from ads and products. But talking about getting on the front page of Google is a […]
Building a WordPress Child Theme
Over the weekend, I got a call from a friend having difficult times working with a theme she was using. Actually, she needed to add some code to the theme in order for a plugin to get some additional functionality. She had the code that needed to be added but was only using a theme […]