This is a test post for the UBC Training.
What to Look For in a Website Hosting Company
When you’re building your own website, you might not think about your web hosting service too much. After all, to an outsider, it might seem that web hosting services are pretty much the same, right? Wrong. Like any other product or service, you should plan, research and assess carefully before you choose the web host […]
best lawn care in somerville nj
If you provide the best lawn care in somerville nj, you need to learn about Digital Maestro – we have nothing to do with it. This post is an example of how quickly we can rank in Google and the search engine for a phrase like, “best lawn care in somerville nj” even though we […]
How to Set and Achieve Business Goals
It’s important to have real, specific goals in your business; this applies to your website as well. These goals can be financial, personal, or simply involve an aspect of your business (“build an effective website” for example). It can sometimes seem overwhelming to determine goals, and even more overwhelming to think of achieving them. Here […]
Do’s and Don’ts When List Building
Following up on the previous post on Best Practices, I want to talk about some things you should do and things you should NOT do. As you probably know, there are always some Do’s and Don’ts when you embark on almost anything! List Building is no different. Follow the following Do’s and stay away from […]