It’s Launch Time! Have you been getting clobbered with emails this past week from a major launch that just came out? I know I have been getting even more email than normal. A lot of big names have been promoting an ‘expensive’ Video solution this past week. (‘Expensive is in quotes because it is all […]
WordPress Resources To Use
I have been receiving emails recently regarding the best places/resources to learn how to manage a WordPress website. Of course, I am going to be biased and say you should sign up for my free Membership Course over at: WordPress Membership Course. This is the same as the email course that I offer, but in […]
Blogging Overview
When you talk about Blogging and Social Networking, you quickly discover that both share similarities. Both contain features and certain characteristics or each other. Both are aimed at creating a ‘following’ on the web. Both look to reach out to as many people as possible; all of these followers share a common internet. Another similarity […]
Someday Has Arrived
You can image all the things that need to get accomplished with your site: Write content for Posts and Pages Market Your business Drive Traffic to your site Advertise Develop Products Attend seminars and on and on and on… Want some help with getting it all done? Make 2013 your best year yet – check […]
Get Things Done
Following up on yesterday’s post, WordPress Planning, I want to share a free online tool I use to manage my To-Do list! I cannot imagine what I would do without it. I chuckle when I think about all the methods I used in the past! I had all sorts of scrap papers in my pocket; […]