If you’re wondering what are the kinds of articles that your website needs to be filled with, check out the Eight Most Popular Blog Formats.
The majority of these will work for your website like a charm because it is broken down into informational bits and bytes. Any article that is chunked down, presented step by step is much appreciated by web surfers.
Some Formats for Your Web Articles:
- The “List of Reasons”
- The How-To Article
- The Straw Man
- The Q&A
- The 5- or 7- Tips
- The Interview
- The Product Review
The “List of Reasons” Article
Feel free to express your thoughts and opinions through the pages of your website, and list reasons on why readers should read your article. “Six Reasons Why More Articles mean More Web Traffic” “Five Reasons to Start an Online Business” or whatever topics that are covered by your niche that would induce a thread or discussion on social media.
The How-To Article
A How-To article explains how something is done. Everybody wants to know how to do something, whether it’s How to Hammer in a Nail Without Busting Your Thumb, How to End an Extramarital Affair, How to Get the Most Money Back on Your Taxes, or How to Write a Fantastic Web Article. Just pick a hot topic that you’re familiar with, insert your “How-To” in the headline, and just go with the flow.
The Straw Man Article
‘Straw Man’ derived from the world of debate, wherein it is an argument based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument. Straw Man is when you play Devil’s Advocate in your article by contradicting each point. This one takes practice, especially when you are not used to writing in argument form, but once you get the hang of it, Straw Man is pretty fun. For example, “Six Excuses Not to Get a CSA This Summer and Why They’re Totally Bogus.”
The Q&A Article
The Q&A (Question&Answer) Article suits best in answering all those Frequently Asked Questions by your clients and prospects. Write an article and nip those questions in the bud. Post the link on your homepage, in a “FAQ” section of your website, from your Facebook page, and anywhere else where people go online to get good info. Q&A showcases your knowledge and mastery on the topic.
The 5- or 7- Tips Article
This type of article is similar to that of the ‘List of Reasons’ type of article, but instead of making a case for something, you are only there to offer some good advice. Since the internet is full of information-hungry prospects, why not make their day with 5 or 7 tips that cover a topic you know inside and out? Five Tips on Keeping Cool in a Crisis; Five Tips on Choosing a Hearing Aid; Seven Tips for Maximizing Your Productivity.
The Interview
This type of Article is a great way to get your name out on the field, while aligning yourself to other notable names in the business league. Email makes it easier than ever to quickly tap out a few good questions and have your spotlighted guest send back some thoughtful replies in writing.
Find someone who can offer advice that will prove interesting to your target audience. Make it someone who is at least semi-fantastic, even if only to some micro niche of eager nerds who make up a small cult following. It helps to know someone in PR for this, or at the very least, be bold and go beyond your comfort zone. What started out as an interview of your own mother could end up being your next celebrity cook-off starring Rachael Ray.
The Product Review
If you want to earn money via affliate income, you should consider product review. This type of article is suggested if you want to go through all the bother of having a website. Social media has made it even easier to push your product reviews further out into the world, which could mean a nice, meaty chunk of earnings for you.
What are your favorite blog types that you write? Leave a comment below!
I don’t quite use the Straw Man concept (although I did in many a debate), but I do tend to destroy (bogus) arguments in many a post. (If I were really interested in discussing politics- on my blog, that is- then the current nothingburger would be an apt choice for this technique.)
I tend to discuss issues and items that drive me – and since my clients are involved in many of those issues, it should drive them. So, that’s my approach (and a very, very broad one at that).
Bust those bogus arguments!
Great post-Paul. I like to write in wellness field, however, I like
the Idea of Interview and Straw Man article, I will certainly try that.
Thanks again,
So many options to choose from, Gaétane – try some different things and see if they work for you.
Thanks for the ideas . . . I’m drawing a blank today.
Glad I could help.
Hi, Paul.
All of these are great types of writing especially for affiliate marketers who blog.
I like a mixture of articles. When I’m in learning mode, list posts or how-to posts are best.
When I’m wanting to connect, I like stories or “lessons learned” posts.
Product Reviews + personal stories are golden.
Great, Sara! You can always try writing one type, get good at it, and then add another one.
I’ve been toying with the idea of a “straw man” type post. I might finally get around to doing it this month.
How did it go, Patricia?
My favorite is how-to since I love to show readers who to save money and I can do that in how-to blogs and my recipes. I also do product reviews, not just for affiliate income but to get the word out on good or not so good products. Thanks for sharing this great list.
You are welcome!