Have you thought about choosing a color scheme that works for your blog? Color is an essential element of your blog. The palette you use is a representation of your blog’s brand and is actually the first thing people associate with your name. Your colors should match the message you wish to send, and they should […]
Graphic Design Terms
Do you want to understand graphic design terms a little better? You may have seen these words tossed around and wondered what they mean! Here are some vocabulary words for you to know (don’t worry- there will NOT be a test at the end!) Whether you plan to hire a graphic designer to create visuals […]
Your Website Needs Visually Appealing Graphics
Your Website Needs Visually Appealing Graphics. Period. If you think that your words alone can boost your blog’s appeal then you’re definitely wrong. While it is true that quality content is essential, today’s bloggers need to consider other elements of their website to gain traction in an overcrowded market. The creation of eye catching images on […]
Building Your Business On Just 15 Minutes A Day
I think we’re all guilty of overestimating what we can get done in one day, and the number of projects we can work on at any given time. Writing a book in a weekend sounds fine, for example, until you realize that you’ve got a million other projects on the go at the same time! […]
Search Engine Optimization Made Simple
Search Engine Optimization Made Simple. Do you think this is a pipe dream? Do you struggle with getting found in the search engine result pages (SERP)? Search engine optimization (SEO) is something you’ve likely heard about before. It can help you attract organic (unpaid) traffic to your website. There is a lot more to SEO than […]