It is normal to see pop-up ads while surfing the net, right? What a lot of people don’t realize is that those ads could have made their way onto their computers through spyware. By the time that you figure out what is behind the ads, the spyware pop-ups may have gotten so bad that your […]
How Many Plugins Is Too Many?
Everyone wants a website that loads quickly and delivers a great “visitor experience.” There are times when that does not happen – the site seems slow, or even worse (gasp) it chugs along at a snail’s pace. Slow load speeds like this make your skin crawl! Not only do people not like to stay on […]
What is an Online Marketing Funnel?
What is an Online Marketing Funnel? If you have ever used a funnel, you know what one looks like. The idea is that you can focus a large quantity of something down into a very narrow flow. That is why funnels are wide at the opening and extremely narrow, sometimes even pointed, at the bottom. […]
5 Essential WordPress Maintenance Tasks
Thankfully, when it comes to WordPress maintenance, there isn’t too much for you to think about. With each new version of WordPress, things have been getting simpler and simpler. There are, at a minimum, five essential WordPress maintenance tasks that you need to add to your routine. Here’s a guide to the five main areas […]
30 Rules For Being an Online Marketer
Over the weekend, I thought about what it takes to be successful online. I started to jot down some ideas – bullet points – of traits, actions, fundamentals, and characteristics of what I have observed that successful online marketers do.This list is by no means exhaustive – it’s really more the result of a brain […]