Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and forums all offer a venue for site visitors, your current and potential customers alike, to voice their opinions about anything they like. Do you know what is being said about your business, your Web site or experiences with you and your business?
Reputation management is the process of keeping tabs on what is being said out in “Webland” that has to do with you, your WordPress Web site and your business. Believe it or not this is something that is pretty simple to monitor and once set up is on auto-pilot so that you are alerted to anything being said about your enterprise.
Here’s are the various services I use to cover all the bases:
- Go to your Google Account and login then go to Google Alerts
Setup Alerts based on:- Your Name
- Your Business Name
- Your Web Site URL
- Social Mention also covers the Web, Twitter and Facebook.
There are a bunch of monitoring applications and software available for you to use and check out. However, the three above are free and simple to use, while providing what is being said about me or any of my sites.
You can also use these services to track your main keyword phrases to see what your competitors are up to — great way to gain market intelligence! I’ve also used these services to track certain content on my sites that is regularly “lifted” without my permission. Imagine the surprise on those site owner’s faces when they are notified by their Web Host that a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) complaint for using copyright protection collateral has been filed against them?
If you think about it, you would be remiss to not have some sort of tracking system in place to keep on top of what is being said about your business, your WordPress site and your market. And why not? It’s free and easy!
More cool stuff to help us be successful online! Many thanks Paul…I know I will always learn something from you! 🙂
Thank you Paul for sharing these tools! …Hughie