Of course you know you need to have a website if you are in business! Using WordPress as the platform for your business’s website, you can have a site up and running in a matter of minutes if you are using WordPress.
What is WordPress? WordPress is a CRM (Content Management Systems) platform that is open source (i.e., free). It was originally used for blogging; it is still used for blogging, but major corporations are using it to run its website! One of the key factor to know about CRMs is that it is very easy to add ‘stuff’ to your website without having to know technical code. If you can use a word processor like MS Word, you can update a WordPress website!
Let’s get to the meat of this – Here are 7 benefits to using WordPress:
- Easy and Fast installation – There are several ways to install WordPress depending on the company that is hosting your website. The whole installation process can take from 2 minutes to 15 minutes (at the most)!
- Google Loves WordPress – Google loves WordPress websites because of how it is coded (of course, you won’t have to worry about that!) – just realize that Google easily and quickly indexes these sites! When you create a new article or page and publish it, Google will be indexing it within minutes! That means clients, customers, and prospects will find you easier!
- A WordPress site is secure – Let me rephrase that… A WordPress site is secure when it has been made secure! There are some simple techniques and things to do to make it very difficult for hackers to break into your website.
- It will do just about anything – You can easily add content to your site, add photos, add video, add just about anything you need to add! And it is easy!
- Make it look like you want – There are literally thousands of ‘Themes’ that you can apply to your site. Roughly, Themes are the look and feel of your website. They control how things are laid out on your site. You can choose from1,000s of free themes or pay under $100 to get a premium theme. In either case, the site can be formatted so you like it
- Make it do what you want – Just like Themes will change the way your site looks, Plugins will make your site do what you want it to do! There are thousands of plugins available (free) that will change the functionality of your site.
- Easy Updating – WordPress is constantly evolving; it is being updated and developed every day. by a lot of people. It is frequently released and made better for you. Updating the software is pretty easy! WordPress will tell you when these upgrades become available!
Time for you to create a website? Consider WordPress.
Have a website already? Consider changing it to WordPress for the reasons stated above!
If you want to learn more about creating a WordPress website, check out Your Website, Your Way
Got a question. I have not been able to get nay of he audio plug-ins to show and work properly. I want to add interviews and podcasts that are bigger files than the wordpress platform allows. I see them on other sites.
HOw do I make that happen?
Ali – Depending on how you want the audio to work, there are different plugins to facilitate this. Are you looking to stream the audio or have it as a download? Depending on your hosting, streaming may be difficult or choppy.
Hi Paul,
I love WordPress but I have to tell you that a newbie would not think it is an easy setup, especially if they are using the hosted platform.
When I was new to all of this, it took me forever to figure it all out, and I am still doing that. But when one has worked with WordPress for awhile, it gets easier.
I teach newbies how to set up their new biz and many newbies are totally confused with the terms, the plugins and all the settings.
But I do agree with you that WordPress is the way to go. Thanks so much for sharing some of the benefits.
Hi Cindy –
Everything is relative 🙂 When I set up website that are NOT WordPress sites, it is even MORE of a headache! Just as with any discipline, having the right mentor to lead the way will certainly make a world of a difference. If not a mentor, a great book or course will do wonders.
It all depends on your preferred learning style!
Hope this helps!
Hi Paul,
I agree with you. All I am saying is when I work with new clients, who are new to all these terms, WP or any other new learning curve takes time.
Many people who are familiar with WP, and have used it for awhile, say it only takes 5 – 10 minutes to set it up.
Thanks for your reply, and have a wonderful day. 🙂
Thanks Paul! I’m really new to WordPress and can’t wait to check out more of your site!
Welcome! There is a lot of content on the site, Audrey – take a peek and let me know if you have any questions!
Hi Paul,
I have 2 sites Digital Smartpen.com and Digital Smartpen Reviews.com affiliate sites for Amaxon smartpen products. I am creating Interactive Talking Storybooks and Exercises for young children using Livescribe Digital Pens. I will create eBooks for 3 to 5 year olds and am writing an eBook for parents or how to create Interactive Talking Storybooks. I will put an Ebook on my DSR site with a Talking Storybook as Bonus. I will put articles in my eNews. Which of your training courses provides help on writing and publishing ebooks?
Susan Coursey
WordPress ROCKS! I have never set up the sites, but after they are set up, they are user-friendy for people like me!
Absolutely! That is one of the great things that I love about it – and I am a developer! It is great to empower my clients to make changes without relying on me!