I have been teaching the benefits of leaving comments that are meaningful on other folks blogs for a while now.
There are several reasons why I think it is a great idea. You get exposure, you can help position yourself as an expert, you can connect with others in your field, backlinks, etc., etc., etc….
Are you leaving comments on other people’s blogs?
I happened to stumble upon a great post written by Darren Rowse over at ProBlogger.com. As an excerpt, here are:
7 Benefits of Leaving Comments on Other People’s Blogs
1. Building your own profile – leaving a comment gets you seen. Leaving a good comment can make people pay attention.
2. Showcasing your expertise – sharing what you know or the experiences that you have can help build your credibility.
3. Getting to know other bloggers – leaving a comment can often be a great way to get on the radar of another blogger.
4. Driving traffic to your blog – as a result of your engagement, you will often get people checking out your blog.
5. Idea generation – often, when you engage in conversation in other blogs comments, you get ideas for your own blog posts.
6. Staying sharp – I find that reading and commenting on other blogs is a good daily discipline to help me keep abreast of what is happening in my industry and keep my brain engaged on the topics I write about. It’s also great writing practice!
7. Opportunities May Follow – just last week someone left a comment on my photography blog that I thought was so insightful that I asked them to write a guest post. In fact, now I think of it, one of our most successful eBook authors on dPS first made himself known to me through a great comment on the blog. You never know where a great comment might lead!
If you want to read the full post, you can read it over at: http://www.problogger.net/archives/2013/11/20/the-ultimate-guide-to-leaving-comments-on-blogs/
Now that you know the benefits, leave a comment below!
What I love about your post is that you gave us an executive summary of a great blog post. Much to be said about being on budgeted time.
Cristina – Thanks! I like when other folks do this, so I thought I would follow and give it a try. Since you like it, I will do it some more. No need having EVERYONE search for great content. When I find something good, I will share it!
It sure was nice when you said that you can get ideas for your own blogs when you engage in conversations. This is a good tip for my sister who is interested in writing blogs in the future to share her life stories. Since she has a very good heart, it would be a nice idea for her to find blogs about the homeless. Anyway, she mentioned that she wants to give back on her birthday. Maybe, she could find a blog that would lead her to the people who she could help.
That sounds like a good plan, Shammy
It sure was nice that you said that you said that you could leave comments on other people’s blogs so you could share your own experiences. This sounds like a cool thing to do for my cousin who is looking for a blog about senior emotional wellness. She has something else to share since her 68-year old mother has been under her care, and I could imagine the helpful tips that she could get from various blogs.
Thanks for following our contents, Ava! We’re glad you found it helpful.