One of the hardest parts of starting a blog is the writing. Once you figure out the technology, you’ve got to get the writing part down. The thing about writing blog posts is that it’s honestly not that hard to do. If you can speak about something with intelligence, you can write a blog post.
1) Create Focus
You need to have a place you can work where you can focus on what you’re doing for a specific amount of time. It doesn’t matter if that’s just 30 minutes per day. You can start blogging in that amount of time if you are not distracted. Get rid of all distractions such as social media, televisions, and children. You want to have the time to be totally focused on one thing. Multitasking is overrated when it comes to writing.
2) Brainstorm Topic Ideas
Figure out the topics you will write about in advance of your writing session. You can brainstorm many different topics about your niche in a variety of ways from mind mapping to cubing and keyword research. As you brainstorm the different ideas, keep a running list and put them into your calendar. Then you’ll already know each day what topic you’ll be writing about. That way you can get started writing right away.
3) Write How You Talk
Don’t try to be someone you’re not, it’s important to learn to write how you talk. As a blogger, you don’t even have to have the best grammar, in fact, if you do it might be too boring to read. You want your personality to shine through in everything that you write. Try using voice to text software that is already on most computers today if you have windows 7 or better, to talk your blog posts. That might help get your creative juices flowing.
4) Differentiate Yourself
Don’t try to be someone you’re not. You don’t need to copy anyone else. Be yourself and make it know how you’re different from the next guy writing about your niche. The one thing that you can bring to your niche that no one else can is your personality. Don’t hide it, be you. If you are a colorful person, let your audience see it. Sure, maybe you will turn some people off, but you won’t turn off your true audience.
5) Write Often
It’s no secret that practice makes perfect. Writing is a skill that gets easier and better the more you do it. If you do it every single day, you’ll create a process that automatically gets your creative juices flowing and signals to the brain that it’s time to write. Soon, you’ll be able to create content on demand without much thought at all.
Finally, you don’t have to do it all yourself. You can also hire a ghostwriter. A ghostwriter will take your outlines, topics and ideas and create articles, blog posts, eBooks, and more that you can post as your own and even sell as a product. Just remember when t comes to writing blog posts, where there is a will, there is a way. You can do it.
Great tips! I especially like # 4, I’m definitely myself.
Thanks! You need to be who you are! And that is true not only online, but in life… whoa… it just got deep 馃檪
Great tips, but I don’t think that bad grammar makes blog posts more interesting to read. At least, that’s not so for me. Generally, bad grammar and poor usage sounds like off-key singing to me. I do agree with everything else: brainstorming focusing, writing often, etc.
Some people are more forgiving than others (or is it ‘then others.’ 馃槈 )
WrIting often is an excellent way to write better.So is reading good books.Loved this .
Thanks, Dr. Amrita!
Where there is a will there is a way, that is what my grandmother said.
My mother said, “whether there is a will, there is a way.”
Practice only makes you better if you are practicing doing the right things.
Thanks for making us all better by informing us of the right things.
We had a decorative sign in my house growing up, “Practice Makes Perfect” – and that makes sense in a Musical Household. And, it makes sense for just about everything in life!
I have notes on topics saved on three different computers (yes, they are linked). And, then when the topic moves me, I pull up all the related notes to coalesce, massage, and expand into 1 to 5 blog posts.
And, I agree- we need to write in our own inimical style. To keep it real- and credible.
Great strategy, Roy! Having the 3 computers linked makes it easier to know what is where.
When writing regularly I find my “voice” shows up much more easily. It’s when I take a break for a while that I struggle. I appreciate all the tips, but the last one is especially important for me. (Consistency isn’t my strongest quality. 馃槈 )
Therein lies what you need to work on, as my mentor would tell me. 馃檪
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I have to work on consistency and finding a quiet (besides the office) place to work.
Consistency is the key for many things in life, not just blogging. I struggle with it at times as well.