Anytime we do something, we always want to see results quickly. Even when we know that slow and steady wins the race, we still want things NOW! I am not going to paint a false picture, building your list will take some time (if you want a quality list, that is).
Building a list will take time, but there are several ways that you can expedite the process. Here is a list of five ways that you can help build your list. There is no need to try to employ all of these methods at once; try developing your skills on one before moving on to the next one. Keep in mind that using more than one method will help speed up the process.
This is just a list – there is no particular order to these. Some methods work better in some niches, while others are better in other niches. As the saying goes, your mileage may vary. Test them out and see what works!
Use Forms On Your Website
You should have an opt-in form on almost every possible page on your site. This includes pages that are posts. Make sure you place opt-in forms in a prominent location. A great place to place it is in the upper right corner of your page (like you see on this page!). If not there, make sure you place it above the fold – (on the screen so you see it without having to scroll down).
Try adding them to other areas, such as above blog comment areas, to get them noticed even more. Whatever you do, make sure that your subscribers can see a way to sign up on every single page of your website. They need to see your opt-in forms if they are going to sign up!
Provide An Incentive
This has many different names – an Incentive, an Ethical Bribe, a Freebie, a Giveaway. No matter where you choose to start promoting your list, you’re going to find it difficult to get people to actually hand over their email addresses unless you provide them with an incentive for doing so. All list building tips will start with providing a good incentive, whether that’s an eBook, a coaching session, an eCourse or anything else of value to your visitors.
The important thing to consider here is that your incentive needs to be quality and valuable. You cannot pass off giving away junk or something that is inferior. If you exchange junk for an email, your recipient will unsubscribe just as quickly as they signed up.
Post In Forums
Before you can post in most forums, you need to create an account. This can be either a free account, or it could require a payment. As part of your account set-up, you may have the opportunity to allow you to create a signature where you can place a link back to your site. Include a link back to your newsletter page and make sure to post a number of helpful posts on the forum, several times a day. One thing to be careful of when you are going through the forums – do not get sucked in and lose track of time! If you need to, set a timer and only spend a predetermined amount of time in there.
Place Ads In Forums
Prominent forums in your niche may have a classified ads section where you can post a big incentive for people to sign up to your newsletter. In the internet marketing niche, for example, you can pay $40 for a Warrior Special Offer and expect a number of sign-ups. This is perfect for new email lists where you aren’t yet well known.
Write Articles
Submit informative, useful articles in your niche to some of the many online article directories. In your author bio section (or sometimes known as a Resource Box), include a link to the page where interested readers can sign up to your newsletter.
Try each one of these out to see which feel best for you as well as for the readers in your niche. Remember that you can build your list faster if you employ multiple of these techniques. And… if you want more, I will share another 5 ideas in the future. Or, you can always check out these posts on list building.
I have to work on an incentive! Thanks Paul!
It can be as easy as a Checklist or Top 5 Tips to help Moms with _______. Just make it something that people visiting your site will want!
Thanks, Anne!
Too many people seek shortcuts. I prefer organic growth- as long as it’s measurable.
I agree! Slow and steady wins the race!
I still am not quite sure I need a newsletter. I know I’m supposed to consider it important, but I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with it. I’m not selling services or products I’ve created. I don’t plan to in the future. The help I need is knowing what to do for my subscribers after they do sign up. I miss the old email lists one could just sign up for without all the rules and middlemen and templates, etc. Using the templates is a big hindrance because of the learning curve. I have one small list for one blog, and I don’t know what to do with it.
Stick with the old rules then! A newsletter is just a fancy name for email! You can send a simple looking email, or you can send something fancy that looks like a newsletter.
Does that help?
So far all I have is the form on my website. I’ll get there! LOL
Slow and steady! Persistence, not Perfection! (I got a load of these sayings… just keep going!)
Not sure how I missed this one!! Thanks. 馃檪
Glad you found it!