Monitoring Your WordPress Blog
Here are some ways to monitor your WordPress Blog to ensure it is running smoothly:
1. Check our hosting server info and WordPress PHP memory usage
This is nice and easy to do – just install the WP System Health plugin. This helps you identify if there are memory issues so you can identify and fix the problem. What is the alternative? You have to guess to figure out if something is wrong with your hosting company, if it is some new plugin you installed, or you just have a lot of traffic hitting your server right now. Trust me, go install it and look for the improvement.
2. See more detailed hosting server info
Install the Hosting Monitor plugin. This will let you know if slowness or any other performance issues are something to do with WordPress or your hosting, and you can fix it or contact your hosting accordingly.
3. Get an email with any WordPress errors that get logged
Another easy install – just install the Error Reporting plugin. When you get the email, you know you are having the problem now, so figuring out what this issue is should be a little easier!
Thanks for sharing this it necessary to intall these tools for monitoring there any other way to monitor the blog online..without installing..
Claudia –
Depending on what you want to monitor, there are several ways to do that. Most will involve digging through data in logs that your hosting company provides you via your CPanel or back office admin area of your website. If you can install plugins, they typically make it easier to find the info and they will ususally format it into a more readable and usable fashion.
I just posted a way to monitor your load times (which does not require an installation) – check it out over at: Track Your Load Time.