Let the Fun begin…
Today is a deviation from my normal technical website information or marketing details. Today is all about ME! Well, I will be telling you a few things about me that you may not have known.
Why am I doing this?
Well, today starts聽the October 2017 Ultimate Blog Challenge – I am going to be writing 31 posts in 31 days. This has many benefits including attracting new visitors to the site. Since there are some new folks here, I thought I would tell you all a little bit about me – some things that even my friends may not know!
Is there anything else to say at this point? I don’t think so. In that case… Without further adieu, here we go!
- I am currently living in NJ. Been here for about 29 years now. Before that, I was in NY.
- I have been working online as my sole income for about 2.5 years now. I was in the Insurance Industry for 27 years prior to leaving on my own wishes.
- My company has been officially registered since 2001. All my online and website work was part-time back then.
- I have a Harley Davidson motorcycle that I enjoy riding! Great for relaxing and enjoying the outdoors.
- We (my company, Digital Maestro) have recently backed up our 1,000th website a short while ago. The actual number is higher than that – but it broke the 1,000 mark since we started to really track the numbers.
- I am in the middle of becoming an Infusionsoft Certified Partner! Infusionsoft is a CRM that handles all your contacts, sales, products, emails, etc.
- I LOVE SCUBA diving. Any chance I can get, I will go diving.
- Weather permitting, I will start my day with a cup of coffee sitting on the porch.
- I am a bone-marrow donor. I was a match for a recipient a few years ago. It was a bit painful, and I would do it again if I was a match. I never knew the person, and will never know him.
- I also donate platelets on a regular basis – about once a month. This is the part of the blood that helps the bleeding to stop. It is a 2-hour procedure to collect them. I have a high count (compared to the average person – I am just lucky that way) so I donate a “triple” each time I go.
- I like to read. Although I have an e-reader (like a Kindle and an iPad) I still like to hold a real physical book.
- In the Apple vs. PC debate, I am Apple all the way!
- Even though I am a ‘nice’ person, I like the bizarre, socially redeeming,聽 and violent tv shows. These include The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Roadies, American Horror Story, and others.
- I can get so immersed in what I am doing that I go the whole day without eating! Come dinner time, however, I am really hungry!
- Speaking of dinner, I like to cook. I like to combine things in the refrigerator to make up a tasty meal. It is a challenge for me to look at leftovers and create something new. Many times I am successful at it. Sometimes, not so successful…
- One of the walls in my office is lined with bookshelves. There are a lot of books and accessories on those shelves as well. WHen I am on live video calls, I put up a screen behind me so the shelves are not distracting to others on the call.
- I have a soda stream water machine to turn regular water into fizzy water. I like to drink that more than drinking regular water.
- While talking about things that I have that I like, I have an Amazon Echo and like to get instant answers just by asking!
- During the week, I always know when it is 2:45 pm. Living 3 houses away from a private school, at 2:45 when school lets out, the road is a combination of congestion as well as foot traffic. This all clears out in about 5 minutes!
- I run the local cable TV station – I am in charge of all the technical equipment and ensure it is all up and running smoothly.
- My last out of the country trip was to Costa Rica – I went there for work. Ahhhhh. It was great! Work also brought me to Toronto, Canada where I spoke, and in my previous job, I was sent to Bermuda.
- In college, I wrestled a Black Bear on stage. It is a long story… maybe a blog post for another day.
- My Father In Law is a snow bird. He has a place in Florida where he lives. When it gets too hot down there (in the summertime) he comes and lives with us.
- I love music. just about any kind of music. Some of it, I cannot understand. But I will try to listen to it. My favorites are Classic Rock, 80’s music (when the 80’s station is playing at the gym I go to, I can name every song and artist within the first couple of seconds… I can probably beat Shazam!)
- I LOVE eating sushi! I could (and have) eat it several days in a row!
There you have it! 25 miscellaneous tidbits that you may not have known before reading this!
Great to know more about you, Paul. I met you in 2010 in Orlando at a Live Event and it has been a pleasure to connect with you several times over the years. Wish you all the best with the Blog Challenge. I know you’ll write those 31 posts!
Has it been 7 years, Yvonne?? Wow!
Interesting tidbits Paul! Hubby and I use to scuba dive in Lake George, NY in our younger years when we had our boat. I’ll never forget when we had our dive flag out and an inebriated boated ran over it. That was the scariest moment in diving! We also have Harleys but they sit in the garage mostly because we work too much! LOL
I love Lake George! Years ago, I spent some time up at Glenns Falls, NY for work. Scary to think about drunk boating, esp with divers in the water! Glad you were ok!
Get out and ride!!!
This was super fun to read and I’m really looking forward to the black bear story.
It was a dark and stormy night… No it wasn’t! But it is a good story!
I loved this. You have a lot of varied interests (and experiences). I tend to be private on my blog (and in my life), but perhaps a “10 things about me” would be fun to write. We have a couple of things in common and a lot of differences, too. That’s the fun of interacting with different bloggers, isn’t it?
Yes, it is! I started off thinking I would write a short post of 10… then it went to 15… and you can see I ended up with 25!
Paul – love this post. It’s great to learn more about you on a personal level! Gave me some ideas for a post I can do on my blog.
Thanks! You can certainly use the idea! It is a great way to get the engagement going!
Fun, fun, fun! I’m glad you’re my sushi friend 馃檪
Of course, I know that anytime I see you, we will have sushi! It is a given! Was it in Vegas that we went to the all you can eat place, decided we did not want that much, and ended up eating more so the waitress charges us the all you can eat price?
Paul- Nice to get to know you a little better. I am Apple all the way and have been since 1984 with my 128K Macintosh! I also can’t live without my soda stream machine and I am the only one in the house to make the water everyday! Thanks for the fun info!
I started out on the Apple ][ back in 1980 or 1981 maybe? The PCs came more because of work. I think I had either 32k or 64K. Amazing to see how far things have come!
Paul, what fun to read some about you, the person! I really admire that you can forget to eat. HA! When you can package that, all women will buy it. I love your company name, Digital Maestro. Perfect. And did I see you in the Philadelphia Airport one Friday in August? I was taking my mother’s ashes to be interred in Newark, Delaware. I looked up, and there was either you or your twin, walking by. Thanks for running the Blog Challenge again.
I wasn’t in the Philly airport recently – I may have driven by a few times – but I did not enter it. Maybe my brother??
By the way, welcome back to the Challenge!
It appears you are good at many different activities that don’t require the same skills. I see a few things we have in common. I also love to read. I often create my own meals from what I find among the left-overs. When I’m happily busy, I, too, can forget about food for many hours beyond a normal mealtime. But if I’m bored, I make up for it.
Bored? I am not sure I ever get bored! I should go back and read the list to see how many of them I am really good at – I don’t think I ever claimed that 馃槈
Great idea for a blog post. I also live right next door to a private school. Luckily the traffic only lasts 15 minutes or so.
Looking forward to the rest of the challenge.
Thanks, Leslie! The traffic is pretty quick to come and go for me, but it seems like utter chaos for the times they are out – LOL.
Paul, I really love your post! A really great way to get to know you a bit. You sound like a well-rounded nice guy!
Awwww… Shucks! 馃槈
Thanks, Ginette!
I have a friend who is alive thanks to a bone marrow donation. It’s a wonderful selfless thing to do. I also like Walking Dead, and some are surprised by this. I still hate all the gory chopping and guts, but it’s the story line that keeps me coming back. This was fun to read. I have an “about me” scheduled for tomorrow, ironically. I like to have posts ready ahead of time and that was the order it fell in.
Some people don’t understand that TWD is not really about Zombies – they are just the antagonists…
I loved your list you shared on your site! Thanks.