Hi there! As an entrepreneur, you probably know that if you want to have a presence online and have your own website, you need to do one of the following:
These are not horrible solutions, but they are not the best either! In fact, you might even know one or even all off those programming languages already! Or not! You may already have a business. You may have a storefront already. You may have a home-based business. You may have a product that you want to let the world know about. You may already be a website developer! Up until now, no one may know about your business. And if no one knows about you or your product, you are probably not making the money that you deserve. You are not living the lifestyle that you want. Come Learn The Business Acceleration Secret To Put Your Business On the Path of Financial IndependenceJust for a minute or so, think about this – what would your life be like when you have visibility from all over the world? How will it feel knowing that you are earning the money that you deserve? Imagine waking up in the morning, spending time with your family, and then ‘commuting’ to your office in the spare bedroom (or kitchen table) without having a boss that tells you to do worthless things. You might have that next million-dollar idea that is just busting to get out of you. You have an idea that you know can help thousands of people, but you might not know how to get the word out. Sure, you can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to produce an infomercial that airs at 3 am in the morning; most people do not have that kind of cash available. Have you considered another lower cost method of advertising that won’t cost you an arm and a leg? There is a way to do it, you just don’t know how… yet! I’m talking about creating a website (and I am not talking about any old website…) Not only is it possible to have your own website up and running within a couple of weeks, but you can actually be selling your product or idea just as quickly! People all over the county and the world can be knocking on your store looking for what you have to offer. Picture opening up your email and seeing that you have made a sale while you were sleeping last night! Your business can get a boost and sales can start to increase. When sales increase month over month, and the profits increase, more opportunities will become available to you. What? No Product Of Your Own? Not a problem!There are 2 easy categories to which you can probably relate:
If you have your own products, you already know what you want to sell. But, can I tell you something? When I started my website, I didn’t have a product to sell! And I was still able to earn some cash. It is very possible (and very easy) to make money online even when you do not have any of your own products. There are so many different ways to work with other people. And these people are looking for help with their product. In the majority of cases, you don’t even have to talk to them about it. There are mechanisms in place to simply “start.” With both, you really need to have your own website! It is much easier to tell the world about what you have to offer when you are on the web. You become available for business 24/7, 365 days a year! And today, creating a website is actually easier than you might think! But let’s face it – You are too busy to learn all that Geek Speak (and you may not even want to learn it!) The “traditional way” to get a website is to contact a web developer or web designer, go through a whole design concept, maybe get a prototype developed and then go back and forth as you try to relate your ideas to this person or company. Even small changes can be a hassle. Most websites need to have a webmaster make changes for them. I do that for some of my clients – they want changes, they notify me, I make the changes, and then I bill them for my time. Seriously however, I do not enjoy doing that kind of work. I like to create entire websites, not just change the words for someone else. In fact, it is not worth my time to update someone’s site based on what they are willing to pay. Does it make sense to pay someone $100/hour to copy and paste the wording of some text? Think about the process:
It does not matter which side of this equation you are on. There is an easier way and it is called WordPress! It‘s About Time – You Can Build A Custom Website EasilyYou may not have heard of it, but there is a way to create a website without the need to know a lot of techno mumbo-jumbo! There is a tool that has been around for a few years now (so it is tried and true) called… WordPress
Now, you may think of WordPress as something that is used by people looking to write a Blog. You would be right – The truth is that WordPress is the Number One tool for Bloggers. It is ALSO a fantastic way that YOU can create you own website and be completely in charge of it.
Do You Realize What That Last Sentence Means?Let me write that again… it is ALSO a fantastic way that YOU can create your own website and be completely in charge of it. Who can make the changes? YOU can! That’s right! Even if you don’t have experience with websites. You do not need a Web Developer that is not available when you need help, or someone to write code. YOU can make changes whenever you want or need to make a change. Also, You can CREATE a site. Who knows better what to go onto a website than YOU! There is no need for a middle man to charge you a lot of money when it won’t be right the first time. You can create it (and other sites if you want). Some changes are so easy to make, your web person doesn’t want you to know just how simple it is because you will find out how easy it is! Here is a big secret… Setting up a website only takes a few MINUTES to create. That is right. Just minutes! And to make changes sometimes only takes SECONDS!
Think Your Web Developer Wants You To Know That? I Don’t Think So!
The truth is that I recently conducted a seminar for the Computer Science Club at a local Community College. The title of my talk was “How to Create A Website in 10 Minutes or Less.” I demonstrated to the small group of about a dozen people how they can go from nothing to a full functioning website!
What was the secret? You already know! It is WordPress! WordPress makes it very simple to create a site.
OK – yes it is true, it was a basic, barebones site and was generic looking. Oh yeah, it looked like a blog too. But, I only took 10 minutes to get it up and running! Imagine if I took… I don’t know… an hour?!
You May Not Want A Site That Looks Like A Blog
Not a problem – WordPress can be configured to look like a ‘typical’ website! You have probably been on sites that were powered by WordPress, but you did not realize it. Here are a few companies you may have heard of that have WordPress installed: eBay, Yahoo, Ford, the Wall Street Journal, People Magazine, CNN, and hundreds of thousands of other sites.
You Can Change Your Website By Yourself When You Want
The power of WordPress is that you can take just a few minutes to set up your website and then only a few seconds to make changes. Best of all, YOU get to make the changes. WordPress will be your next best friend!
With WordPress you can:
- Log in to your secure website and make changes to typos, write articles simply by copying and pasting
- Log in when you want (even if it is 3am and you get a brainstorm of an idea you want to tell the world about!)
- Access your site from anywhere (as long as you have access to the Internet) and make immediate changes to your site – no more waiting around. You don’t have to worry about not being at your computer to get to the files on your website.
- Start implementing ideas that come to you while you are at a Conference, a seminar, or even at a client’s location
If you are a business owner (or want to be one), you can see how powerful this is! You retain all the control at all times!
You will love the flexibility and control over your website that you will have once you start using WordPress. However…
Even though WordPress is very easy to use (especially compared to Dreamweaver, PHP, ASP, etc.), you still need to know how to use it. And there is a slight learning curve.
Thank you for all of your help, Paul! You changed my Blogger site from a
That’s where I come in!
Let Me Be Your Website Coach
I’m Paul B. Taubman, II. I have been teaching technical courses at the college level for 25 years. Over the past years, I have been studying and mastering WordPress. I have developed many sites for businesses, both in the “traditional” sense, and more recently using WordPress.
This is not just another “How to build a WordPress Course” like you can find for free. This will be a live online video course, taught by me personally on how to create your website. This is not a course where everyone is creating the same site as an example. You will be working on YOUR website and implementing what YOU need.
Being live means you are not left to struggle with a video and instructions (have you ever tried to ask a video a question?? It is not real good at answering your specific question!) You will be getting live instruction from me in real time. I will completely cover everything you need to know and you will be watching my screen as I do it. If you do not understand what I am doing, you can ask me right there and then! This will not be some boring lecture where I just talk at you. This will be an interactive, hands-on class, just as if we were sitting in a classroom.
Did you read that last part carefully? If not, read it again, please. You see, this will be a course where you will be participating – no slacking off here! I will be doing the work teaching you how to build YOUR site. You need to be building it and learning from the experience so you can continue to be self-sufficient at the completion of the course. This also means that you will have a complete, fully functional website that you’ve personally built with my help.
Big shout out to Paul Taubman — thanks so much for your help – you make WordPress look like child’s play 🙂 Greatly appreciated!!– Julie Henderson, Winnepeg. |
I have said WordPress is easy. You may have even heard that it is easy to use. However, just like anything else, if you have not yet learned how to use it, it could be scary.
I remember back when I was learning to drive. I was a wreck! I was concentrating on everything. Hands at 10 & 2. Look in the rear view mirror. Look for cars. From both directions. I even took Drivers’ Ed! For the beginner, there is a lot to learn! And not only that, there was a lot to do! Could I have learned everything from reading the Driver’s manual? Maybe – but I certainly would not have become as proficient in as fast a period of time. Having an instructor walk (or drive??) me through the process was a better way to learn.
Think about the learning curve when learning something new like this. You may want to do something and end up searching for hours to find the solution. What is your time worth? Working with me will save you many hours of searching and trying. Help is just a video away!
As An Entrepreneur, this course is for you if…
- You want to run your business the way you want
- You want to be in control of your website
- You don’t want to worry about webmasters and their schedules and fees
- You want to update your site on your terms and schedule
- You don’t want to learn all the technical aspects of how to write computer code and create a website from scratch
Now is the time! What kind of website do you want to create?
- An online information site?
- A Blog?
- A Sales site to promote and sell your products?
- Maybe a site that promotes your videos and audios?
- Maybe a combination of 2 or more of the above?
- Perhaps you want to create multiple sites of each?
You can do this and more starting the first week we start to work together online!
This is Real Website Coaching – Not Some Shelf Help Study Program
If you are like most people (me included) you probably have purchased some home study course. You had all the intentions to complete it. You may have even started it and went through the first few chapters.
But that was it. At that point, life took over and you never went through the rest of the material in the course. As a result, it went on your shelf and was never opened again. That is what I call Shelf Help.
This won’t happen here! I won’t let it! During this coaching program, you will have things to do. You will have homework. It is NOT a go at your own pace and forget it halfway through. This is an online LIVE course. Best of all, you will want to do it! It will be fun! You will enjoy yourself.
We will get together 8 times. This will be live interaction. We will be talking about your site; about how to get it to work.
I almost forgot – one of the best aspects of this coaching program is that it is limited to a very small number of people. In fact, I have never heard of this type of coaching program offered in such an intimate group (if you have heard of it, please let me know!)
Honestly, I do not know the exact number of people who will be accepted into this coaching program. But I will promise you this – there will be no more than 25 people in the group! I am keeping the class size small so you CAN get the attention that you will want. Larger classes make it difficult to have everyone heard and to have all the questions answered. With a maximum of 25 people, this can certainly happen!
You Will Always Have Options Available To You
As we go through coaching, you will learn everything you need to know including getting your own domain name and setting up hosting. The cost for this (not included in the course) can be as little as $30 during the course (and we will discuss this in detail the first coaching call). You will be able to create your own site and work on it from the beginning. Again, you are in control of what you do to YOUR website. You do not have to rely on anyone else if you do not want to.
However, this is not required! You see, if you do not want to work on your site, I will have my team create your own basic installed WordPress website on my server for you to use during the course. You can use it and learn here if you want.
You have the choice – you can build a real site for your business, or you can create a fake site.
The Coaching Course Structure
Coaching Calls will be held once a week and usually last between 1 to 2 hours each. Depending on the topic, more time may be needed in order to cover the essentials. In addition, time will be available to answer all your questions that you may have.
We Will Cover All The Steps Necessary To Go From Start-Up To A Fully Automated Online Dream Business
With that said, here are the 8 modules that will be covered:
Module 1: Domain Names, Registrars, and Hosting
These may be foreign words for you – you may not even know what they mean. That is not a problem! You will master these concepts and be able to talk to the necessary technical people to get your site up and running. You will know exactly what to say and to whom to say it! Here is what happens in this module – you will learn:
- About good names vs. not so good names
- How to register the name and where
- Which hosting plan is best for you and why
- How to access your site once you have these things
Module 2: Welcome WordPress
This is what everyone wants to know! In this module, you will install WordPress on your website and start to mold it into the site you always wanted. By the end of this module you may not have it exactly the way you want, but we have to start somewhere! Here is what happens in this module – you will learn:
- How to install WordPress on your site
- The difference between a Page and a Post
- How to create new pages
- Publish a blog post
- How to instantly let your customers know when you make changes to your site such as offer a new product promotion, have a sale, or even just providing an update on what is new!
Module 3: Have Your Website Do What You Want With Plugins
Now that you have your site created and it is already showing content to your visitors, it is time to really spruce things up by customizing it. This will be necessary to help keep your visitors coming back as well as letting them find you! Here is what happens in this module – you will learn:
- What are Plugins and why you want them
- Which plugins you should install and why
- How to install plugins, activate them, customize them
- Where to get plugins, both free and premium plugins
Module 4: Changing the Look of the site
There are times when you will want to change the way the site looks. This may be because your focus changes or you want to update. Here is what happens in this module – you will learn:
- Why you would want to change the theme
- How to change the theme of the website
- The difference between free and premium themes
- Where you can find various themes
Module 5: Building a List
It is time to get serious and start involving outside people. You will learn the importance of building your list and how to do it. In addition, you will work with the tools to leverage the power of automation. Here is what happens in this module – you will learn:
- Why it is important to have a list of potential customers
- Various List Building tools and how you should evaluate them
- The most important feature to investigate when selecting your list building tool
Module 6: Show Me The Money
If you have a product to sell, here is how to sell it! You will select and set up a tool to accept payments from your customers. If you don’t have your own product, that is ok! There are some other ways to sell products and you will learn several of them. Here is what happens in this module – you will learn:
- Different ways to accept payments for your products, each one of them very simple to implement!
- How you can sell just about every single product you see on Amazon and get a commission for it.
- How you can put your Blog on the Kindle and earn a commission from sales on that
Module 7: Social Media and Web 2.0
You may have been hearing about these and not know what they are – no worries! You will learn all about integrating Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other sites that you can leverage to increase your visibility. Here is what happens in this module – you will learn:
- How to effectively use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other sites to help promote your website – if you want to.
- Tools to help manage your time so you do not have to be online all the time
Module 8: Since You Build It, You Will Get Them There
In this final session, we will be talking about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) some more, and having people visit your site. This last session is all about bringing everything all together. Was anything missed? Did anything come up that we did not discuss? Now is the time to get it covered!
Questions Are Always Welcomed
At anytime during the course, you are encouraged to ask questions. Is something not working out for you? Just ask! There is plenty of time for YOUR specific questions. If you have a question in between classes, you can always email you question to the Priority Email address you will be given!
Your Site Will Be Live, Guaranteed, Or We Will Create One For You
After following along during the course, you WILL have a site at the end of the course even if my team has to build one for you!
If after the 8 weeks, you do not have a working site (which is impossible if you follow along), all is not lost! If for some reason you cannot keep up with the work, you will get a working site developed specifically for you! So, if you stop coming to class, cannot keep up with the work, you go on vacation, or you want an SEO efficient website for a super low cost, let me do it for you.
Does it get any better than that?
Here is everything you get when you sign up:
1. Classes – 8 Live and Personal Classes for a total of about 16 hours of Coaching time! (Value: $1,600)
- Module 1: Domain Names, Registrars, and Hosting
- Module 2: Welcome WordPress
- Module 3: Have Your Website Do What You Want With Plugins
- Module 4: Changing the Look of the site
- Module 5: Building a List
- Module 6: Show Me The Money
- Module 7: Social Media and Web 2.0
- Module 8: Since You Build It, You Will Get Them There.
2. Access to the video archives of the classes for review (Value $297)
3. Your own WordPress “Coaching Project” Website (Value $297)
4. The ability to ask questions at any time (Value: Priceless!)
5. Access to the special High Priority Support Email Address for additional questions during the week (Value: Priceless!)
6. A guarantee that you will have a working site for the world to visit by the end of the coaching (Value: $1,000)
To sweeten this already fantastic offer, the following bonuses will be offered if you enroll in this Coaching Program:
Premium Theme (Value $Thousands)
If you are interested, you will be provided with your own registered copy of one of the top selling Premium WordPress themes. This theme is designed for Search Engine Optimization and will significantly help your rankings in Google. As a member of this Coaching Program, you are entitled to use this theme… one of the most simply sophisticated new WordPress themes I’ve ever seen. It comes with all kinds of “bells and whistles” for your business website I am sure you will love it as much as I do! You will learn how to get this simple yet powerful theme installed and up and running online in just minutes. I’ll also show you how to “tweak” it… so it looks exactly how you want it to look… ready for sales! If you were to go out and have a developer create a custom theme like this for you, it would cost you thousands of dollars! I will provide you with a fully-functional, full licensed copy for you to have!
Website Audit (Value $100)
You will get a personal Website Audit of your site before the course is over. Actually, this can happen at any time, but it is probably best if you have enough content and structure to your site before getting a full review of it. This critique will be a one-on-one with you as YOUR site is optimized for its potential. The audit will be a minimum of 30 minutes (up to an hour).
Come Back Again (Value $597)
Learning something new, like how to build a website, takes time to master – and I know it! When I first started with WordPress it certainly took me more than 8 weeks to master! To help you out, you can take the course again, for free, up to 12 months after the end of your course! Take the course and learn everything you need to know. Once the course is over, you can continue to watch the recordings over and over again. And then, come back and take the course another time to get your questions answered once you have had a chance to dive in to the material and really become submerged in it. Only after you have worked with WordPress (or anything) for 4 or 5 months, can you really find out what you don’t know. That is the perfect time to re-take the course. Send us an email, and you will be invited to the next course that is run! (Courses run 4 times a year!)
VIP Customer Status (Value $Unlimited)
By becoming a Coaching Student, you will automatically get 20% off the current rates charged everyone else. As an example, a 30-minute consultation is now $75. If you ever need additional services in the future, you will automatically get 10% taken off the costs, regardless of planned increases.
And This All Comes With a 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Your success and satisfaction is very important. That is why I am offering you this 100% money-back guarantee!
I guarantee that you will be absolutely, positively excited that you invested in this Coaching program. If you aren’t, or if you think this was the wrong investment for you, just let me know.
Sign up now for the coaching and take until the end of the 4th week to decide if this is for you. That’s right! Go through HALF of the course and experience all there is to learn.
Attend the live online trainings, ask questions, and review the videos. Go through half of the course to ensure this is what you want.
If you don’t agree that this Coaching Program has made it easier for you to build and control your online business, send an email and your investment will be returned to you. There will be no hard feelings. No haggling. If you want out, you get your money back.
Paul’s advice has just made me $318,610!!! I created 3 events that ALL sold out after his help creating my website. And I also sold over 100 coaching packages. If you get a chance to work with Paul, don’t miss it.– Ray Wood, Toronto. |
Yes! I Want to Have A Successful Website In 8 Weeks!
All of the items in the Coaching Program are easily worth $3,891 – these are real values, not some made up amounts. If you were to request anyone of these services, the prices listed are the amounts you would be charged.
The tuition for this coaching is only $597. This is approximately 85% OFF the value of all the material you will receive!
Again, you get:
- Classes – 8 Live and Personal Classes for a total of about 16 hours of Coaching time! (Value: $1,600)
- Access to the video archives of the classes for review (Value $297)
- Your own WordPress “Coaching Project” Website (Value $297)
- The ability to ask questions at any time (Value: Priceless!)
- Access to the special High Priority Support Email Address for additional questions during the week (Value: Priceless!)
- A guarantee that you will have a working site for the world to visit by the end of the coaching (Value: $1,000)
In addition, you get the following Bonuses:
- Premium SEO Theme (Value: $47)
- Website Audit (Value $100)
- VIP Customer Status (Value: $Unlimited)
Take Action NOW! Sign up for the Coaching Program. You deserve to start building the business that you have always wanted to have, or, to build your business further.
Coaching will run for 8 weeks and the next round of coaching will begin in March 2016! We will meet on Monday evenings – If you have to miss a session, don’t worry – it will be recorded for playback later, and you still have email access for questions and answers! Secure your spot now!