I noticed that HostGator started to ‘brand’ new website accounts with there logo where the Favicon sites. To me as a paying customer, I am not a fan of having them advertise like that for free! In this video, I show you a nice and easy way to create a Favicon and put it on […]
WordPress 4.0 – Almost here!
The fine folks at WordPress have announced that v4.0 is coming soon! Well, we knew that was going to happen! It has been officially been announced that the BETA version has become available for people to use. We are THAT much closer to seeing the real ‘usable’ version come to our websites. The version of […]
A Super Sweet Deal!
I just purchased an awesome bundle of information that I want to let you know about. My awesome friend, Kelly McCausey (she is my co-host on our PodCast, Profitable Tech), is having a “retirement sale” right now – No, she is not retiring, but she is moving some products into retirement! First – it is […]
Why WordPress is Awesome!
According to Yoast.com, WordPress currently powers 72.4 million different websites, making it the world’s most widely used CMS in existence. WordPress dominates the top 100 blogs in the world, and 22 of every 100 new domains created in the US are running on WordPress. Further, 16% of all the existing websites run on WordPress. Being […]
WordPress Posts vs. Pages
I get questions asked about WordPress all the time. I decided that since these questions were asked so many time, there are probably people out there that still have these questions, but have not asked! I am going to dedicate Friday posts to answering questions! Each Friday will be an answer to a question (or […]